By judgment rendered on April 17, 2024, the Court dismissed the application to approve the Settlement. A copy the judgment is available here (in French).

This means that you will not receive any of the compensation provided for under the proposed settlement. At this stage, the parties can either proceed to litigate the matter, or renegotiate a new settlement, in which case new notices would be published.

Case name
Ohayon v. Dollarama and others

Quebec Superior Court file #
500-06-001243-233 (Montreal)

By judgment rendered on April 17, 2024, the Superior Court of Quebec dismissed the application to approve the Dollarama settlement. You may consult this judgment by clicking here.

This means that you will not receive any of the compensation provided for under the proposed settlement. At this stage, the parties can either proceed to litigate the matter, or renegotiate a new settlement, in which case new notices would be published.

The claims administrator will delete all registered email addresses. As such, if you wish to be kept informed of future developments in this case, you can enter your contact information on class counsel’s website dedicated to the present class action: Note that, under Quebec law, you are automatically included in the class action insofar as you fall within the Class definition. Thus, there is no need for you to complete any other formality to be part of this class action at this stage. If you have any other questions, you may contact class counsel. Your name and any information provided will be kept confidential.

More information can be found below and in the documents section.

Judgment - June 4, 2024
Judgment - April 17, 2024
Settlement Agreement

Important Dates

April 17, 2024
Dismissal of the application to approve the settlement
April 9, 2024 at 9:30am
Settlement Approval Hearing (room 6.61)
April 5, 2024
Email Registration Deadline
Opt-Out Deadline
Objection Deadline

Class Counsel

Mtre. Joey Zukran
LPC Avocats
276 Saint-Jacques Street, Suite 801
Montreal, Quebec, H2Y 1N3
Tel: 514-379-1572

Claims Administrator

Concilia Services Inc.
5900 Andover Avenue, Suite 1
Montreal (Québec) H4T 1H5
Tel: 1-888-440-1005 (toll free)
Step 1: Register your email
Step 2: Submit a claim form
You will be notified by e-mail when the claim form opens, following the settlement approval hearing on April 9, 2024.